House Update #1

Welcome to my house

We bought a house! If you follow me on Instagram you already know this. We bought a new house, sold our old house and moved to Florida!

You also might already have guessed that we bought a fixer upper. We did the Chip & Jo thing and picked the worst house in the best neighborhood. We are excited and a little intimidated to take on this project but years of HGTV and a Dad who has done construction all my life should be enough to tackle this right!?

Our house was built in the late 50's and had a little bit of remodeling done in the 70's (hello wood paneling and terrazzo floors) other than that it's been untouched.

There are a lot of projects we plan on doing to make this house our dream house, but we are starting with things that will make it safe and clean first. It stinks to start with the boring stuff, but it's the most important! While we work on that we're also going to work to give it a little more curb appeal.

Speaking of needing some curb appeal here are some of the Before pics we took of the exterior of the house.

Looking back on these photos, it's nice to know that even though they were only taken a little over a week ago the house already looks better! It's amazing what cutting the grass, and pulling weeds can do for your curb appeal.

Obviously we have a long way to go, but we are all about celebrating the little victories!

It's hard not to be totally overwhelmed by the projects that our house needs, but we are trying to be balanced mixing in a little fun into each day, and getting to explore our new hometown and state.

We are excited to share this house journey with you, and I plan on updating the blog and Instagram regularly as progress is made! Thank you for all of the sweet comments on Instagram, it's so exciting that you all seem just as excited as we are about this project.